Many atheists argue that man is born into a state of atheism
or animism. Is this really the case? Would this not make atheism a lack of
choice instead of a conscious decision? When examining this argument closely,
does an atheist really want to compare his or her compilation of knowledge
which dictates his or her atheistic stance with that of a new born child with
no knowledge of the subject? Perhaps atheists do have more in common with a new
born baby.
Animism is the attributing of human qualities to our
environment and objects around us. Everyone is guilty of this when we act as
though our computers are working against us or that we can somehow affect
traffic lights. Animism is “the belief that all natural phenomena have souls
independent of their physical being” (from Latin anima, soul), Webster’s New
World DICTIONARY, Third College Edition)
Animism is considered one of the most ancient religions of
the world though not everyone agrees that this common human trait is considered
a religion. Basic animism that is found in all humans and more in small
children; which is more a sign of confusion then organized thoughts devoted to
a deity or deities. Therefore in that sense, animism can hardly be defined as a
religion but perhaps as a superstition but certainly not grounds for validating Atheism.
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