"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" - 2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

Thursday, May 31, 2012


"Magic Circle" by John William Water...
"Magic Circle" by John William Waterhouse, 1886 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Far too many atheists will argue that the supernatural world is simply a belief in magic. Magic certainly utilizes the supernatural as the force to which it endeavors to control but it cannot be defined as the same as supernatural. 

There is nothing in the definition of ether Science or Supernatural that eliminates the Supernatural from scientific consideration. The claim by Evolutionists that Science can not consider the Supernatural is a purely philosophical and essentially atheistic position.

For this reason it is not rational to believe that the supernatural cannot influence the natural world. Supernatural force is transcendent and independent of natural laws. This means that supernatural forces can influence the natural laws but not necessarily the natural laws influence the supernatural, this would simply make all forces natural laws.

Causality, by natural laws, states that everything that exists has been caused to exist by another force. This uses the natural laws of the universe to explain the continued existence but causality cannot continue to an infinity past in a finite universe. It is not possible to an infinite regression of causes in natural laws because time would never progress forward unless there was a fixed starting point. Therefore the original cause of origin cannot use natural laws to bring about the beginning of the universe and had to be acted upon by an external force that may be described as supernatural by the definition I will provided.

Many atheists embrace a belief known as naturalism or scientism. This is the belief that all of the observations within the universe can be explained by the use of natural laws or through the sciences. I do not argue that these tools have their place in the rational world however if I were to give you a definition of natural laws that support pure naturalism or scientism that would be a false definition. Even University of Arizona's famous atheist Dr Lawrence Krauss understands that naturalism and scientism is not sufficient as tools for explaining the operations observed within our universe.

Therefore I define natural laws in this fashion:  Natural Laws - an order that governs the continued cause and effect of the natural universe and is known to all people through their natural faculties (especially reason and/or conscience)

Again, there is nothing in this definition that would make natural laws the sole influence of the universe or cause the collapse of the natural system if they were violated. There is nothing in the Scientific method that requires natural causes within explanations or theory. Some events once thought to be supernatural are now, after acquiring new knowledge, known to be natural. While this is true, it is a false analogy. Such events were deemed to be supernatural because nature was poorly understood by those who made such claims. A scientific application of supernatural explanations concludes that natural processes are inadequate, not do lack of knowledge but an actual inability of chance and natural law to suffice as a probable explanation. If one simply believes that a natural law has not been discovered or conceived of, the argument is absurd since it is impossible to eliminate a theory that does not yet exist. It would have to be restricted to natural explanations that are consistent with the theoretical system under consideration, since any that is not consistent with it would be eliminated by definition. Sometimes all possible natural explanations can be eliminated, by virtue of inconsistency with the laws of nature or being impossibly improbable.

Any time an atheist uses the word magic to describe someone’s faith in the existence of God, they are attempting to belittle that person and psychologically disarm them by them by making them look foolish. This is an effective strategy to many Christians who have not been trained in critical thinking.

Now the definition of supernatural is a mechanistic or intelligent agent that does not conform to natural laws; can influence natural laws but is not governed by them.

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